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Iron infusion for iron deficiency, yes or no?

Are you unsure about iron infusions? Here are some explanations.

Every person needs iron. Iron is necessary for the transport of oxygen in the body, for the formation of red blood cells and it supports the immune system.
In this article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of iron infusions and what alternatives there are with few side effects.

  1. Our body needs iron
  2. Determine iron deficiency
  3. What treatment for iron deficiency?
  4. When iron infusions for iron deficiency?
  5. Advantages of iron infusions
  6. Disadvantages of iron fusions
  7. Food supplement with iron
  8. Advantages of oral iron supplements
  9. Disadvantages of oral iron supplements
  10. Conclusion: Treat iron deficiency with tablets or infusions?

1. Our body needs iron

With an iron deficiency, the body is supplied with too little oxygen. This first becomes noticeable through:

  • Concentration problems
  • Muscle weakness
  • Depressive moods or mood swings
  • Exhaustion
  • Sleep problems
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin, cracked corners of the mouth.
In a later stage of anaemia (iron deficiency anaemia), more serious symptoms may be added, such as:
  • Shortness of breath
  • Paleness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness

2. Determine iron deficiency

Iron deficiency can be detected by a blood test and measurement of iron levels. You should seek therapy with iron if you suffer from the symptoms mentioned above. If you have low iron levels but feel well with them, no therapy is necessary.

However, you should definitely seek treatment for anaemia (iron anaemia).

3. What treatment for iron deficiency?

The first choice to correct an iron deficiency is an oral iron supplement. This can be iron tablets. For some time now, there have also been powders with microencapsulated iron.

It is considered more tolerable for the body to replenish the iron deficit over a longer period of time and in small portions. In contrast, with iron infusions, the whole deficit is often filled up with a few infusions.

4. When iron infusions for iron deficiency?

The quickest way to replenish empty iron stores is to administer an iron infusion. However, an iron infusion should be the second choice in treatment for iron deficiency. It can be useful if you have a doctor-confirmed iron deficiency but cannot tolerate iron tablets or if these have no effect.

How does an iron infusion work?

You must be healthy for an iron infusion. If you have a fever or a flu-like infection, you should postpone the infusion.
For iron infusion therapy, a venous line will be inserted: The rust-brown liquid slowly drips into the blood through the infusion tube. The infusion takes about half an hour to three quarters of an hour and is usually not painful.

Side effects of iron infusions

Contrary to popular belief, iron infusion is not a risk-free treatment.
There are at least three types of side effects that can occur:

1. the infusion flows not only into the vein but into the skin at the same time.
This is called "paravenous infusion". The skin at the injection site turns rust-coloured. This discolouration can last for months or even years.

  • Watch out if you feel a burning or pressing sensation or pain around the injection site during the infusion and inform the staff immediately.
2. you have an allergic reaction. In the worst case, this can be life-threatening (allergic shock).
  • Inform the staff immediately if any of the following symptoms occur during or shortly after the infusion:
  • Breathing problems
  • Palpitations
  • Drop in blood pressure
  • Itching, rash
  • Tingling hands
  • Abdominal cramps or nausea
3. harmless side effects
The most common side effects are those that disappear quickly:
  • Headache
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Diarrhoea
  • Pain or redness at the injection site

When should iron infusion not be carried out?

Iron infusions must not be given if:

  • You are in the first 3 months of pregnancy.
  • You have iron overload due to a medical condition.
  • You are hypersensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients of the infusion.

5. Advantages of iron infusions

The advantages of iron infusions are:

  • The iron can be administered in high doses if necessary.
  • The iron is absorbed very quickly.
  • The treatment can be well monitored

6. Disadvantages of iron fusions

Unfortunately, iron infusions also have disadvantages:

  • They are expensive and the administration is time-consuming.
  • An iron infusion can only be administered in a doctor's office or in hospital.
  • In rare cases, severe side effects are possible with iron infusions.

7. Food supplement with iron

Many foods are rich in iron. However, depending on the phase of life and dietary habits, it may be difficult to meet the iron requirement through food.
This is the case for:

  • Vegans
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • Young children and adolescents in strong growth phases
  • Women with heavy menstruation
If iron deficiency symptoms or even symptoms of iron anaemia occur, a food supplement with iron is useful. Iron tablets or especially iron in the form of microencapsulated iron can contribute to a healthy supply of iron.

Oral iron supplements: tolerability and side effects

It is not uncommon for iron tablets to cause side effects such as abdominal pain, nausea or constipation. Iron powders such as Andreafer are better tolerated. Here the iron is microencapsulated, which improves iron absorption. Andreafer also contains vitamin C, which increases the absorption of the iron.

8. Advantages of oral iron supplements

Iron tablets or iron powder are the simplest form of iron administration.

  • They are easy to take.
  • There is no need to see a doctor.
  • If taken correctly, there are no dangerous side effects.
  • In the case of powder with microencapsulated iron, added vitamin C improves the absorption of the iron.

9. Disadvantages of oral iron supplements

  • With tablets, only part of the iron is absorbed by the body, the rest is excreted and can cause harmless but unpleasant side effects.
  • Replenishing the iron deficit can take weeks or months.
  • They are not suitable for people with intestinal diseases.

10. Conclusion: Treat iron deficiency with tablets or infusions?

The easiest and least dangerous way to treat an iron deficiency is to take iron tablets or an iron powder with microencapsulated iron.
However, not all people tolerate iron tablets. In this case, or if someone needs a lot of iron very quickly, an iron infusion can be useful. However, it should always be supervised by a doctor, as life-threatening side effects can occur in rare cases.
The Andreafer iron powder with microencapsulated iron is particularly pleasant to use. Even people who cannot tolerate tablets can usually take iron powder without any problems. There are hardly any side effects and thanks to the vitamin C that is also contained, the iron is optimally absorbed by the body.
The often unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth is absent, but Andreafer tastes refreshingly like raspberries, similar to an effervescent tablet.
You can order Andreafer powder with microencapsulated iron here:


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4123 Allschwil
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